It’s so nice to meet you.

I’ve always had a wide range of interests.

I’ve taken classes in various artistic media and loved most of them so much that the necessary supplies are still tucked away in my studio closet. I’ve also always been a nerd – playing video games and exploring the internet. As soon as I discovered the existence of digital art (when I was in 10th grade, probably 1998), I knew it was a combination of two loves that would be a part of me for the rest of my life. I am still constantly learning (and loving!) new art techniques.

When I wasn’t on the computer or making art, I was playing in the urban wilderness. The concept of wilderness existing in the city might sound odd, but you only need to think of the slip of forest tucked away in between downtown streets or the wetland area set aside for the birds and other creatures who prefer that habitat. For me, it was the empty quarter acre lot next to my childhood home. Here I could find a family of foxes living alongside a nearby canal or the hidden wildflower patch where I searched for purple tulips each spring.

What am I up to these days?

I’m constantly crafting! Knitting, crocheting, wool felting, you name it. Follow me on social media to see when I’m at local events selling my creations. I also love photography - all the photos on this site were taken by me.

We have many flower and vegetable beds on our small little urban lot. I have been interested lately in growing a lot more native plants, which is a challenge given our near-desert climate.

In 2009, my husband Jon and I started a business called Multimedia Evolution (MME) as a way to bring together our various skills and services. If you work with one or both of us on a project, you will probably see this name on your estimate and invoice. If you buy some of my handmade items, you will see the company name on your receipt! Thanks for your support.

I’m trying to give back.

My current charity and volunteer efforts include:

The Idaho Master Gardener Program. My purpose there is to help teach people about nature and gardening and, most importantly in my mind, create and update educational materials to be accessible, interesting, and beautiful.

Project Linus. I participate in the local chapter that provides handmade blankets to young people in need.

Simply Cats. I regularly donate handmade blankets, toys, and beds to this local no-kill cat shelter.

Contact me via the form below!

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